Our Mission:
Support healthy child development, working families and the economy.
Through a statewide collaboration of partners, Start Strong PA aims to support all three by advocating for increased access to and affordability of high-quality child care programs, beginning with infants and toddlers.

All our staff deserve to make enough to provide for their families.
— Carol Wong
Chinatown Learning Center, Philadelphia, PA
Speak Up!
Pennsylvania state child care funding continues to do little to improve accessibility and affordability for families and does nothing to address the child care staffing shortage.
PA must Speak Up! Our elected officials must hear from child care directors, teachers and the families that depend on child care.
Start Strong PA supports healthy child development, school success, working families, and the economy by ensuring everyone in Pennsylvania has access to high-quality child care choices.
Share Your Story
We need educators, caregivers, and families like you to share your experiences to help us advocate for the necessary changes to make healthy development outcomes for infants and toddlers possible.
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Sign-on Support
We need individuals like you and organizations like yours to sign-on support our campaign. Our coalition’s size and strength will demonstrate to Pennsylvania lawmakers that they can not ignore or deny that child care works and that increasing funding is critical for children, families, businesses and our economy.: